2011-2015, Yonsei University, B.A. in Psychology (1st), Business Admin (2nd), Theology (3rd)
2015-2017, Yonsei University, M.A. in Psychology
2017-2022, KAIST, Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Engineering
* corresponding author, ⁺ equally contributed
Han H.-B., Brincat S.L., Buschman T., & Miller E.K.* (in prep). Prefrontal theta governs working memory retrieval.
Han H.-B⁺., Li, H.⁺, Mahnke, M., Roy, J., Brincat, S.L., & Miller E.K.* (in prep). Theta-rhythmic prefrontal neural dynamics dominate inhibitory attentional control.
Cho S.J.⁺, Han H.-B.⁺, Jung D.-Y., Kim J., & Choi J.H.* (2024). Mouse escape behaviors and mPFC-BLA activity dataset: understanding flexible defensive strategies under threat. Scientific Data, XXX
→ Dataset URL: https://gin.g-node.org/doi/Mouse-threat-and-escape-CBRAIN
Han H.-B., Shin H.-S., Jeong Y., Kim, J., & Choi J.H.* (2023). Dynamic switching of neural oscillations in the prefrontal–amygdala circuit for naturalistic freeze-or-flight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(37), https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2308762120
Han H.-B.⁺, Kim B.⁺, Kim Y., Jeong Y.*, & Choi J.H.* (2022). Nine-day Continuous Recording of EEG and 2-hour of HD-EEG under Chronic Sleep Restriction in Mice, Scientific Data, 9, 225, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01354-x
→ Dataset URL: https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_EEG_ChronicSleepRestriction_Kim_et_al
Yoon Y.⁺, Seol Y.⁺, Kim S.-H.⁺, Im H., Han H.-B., Choi J.H.*, & Ryu H*. (2022) Increases of phospho-Tau (Ser202/Thr205) in the olfactory regions are associated with impaired EEG and olfactory behavior in traumatic brain injury mice, Biomedicines, 10(86)
Kim J., Kim C., Han H.-B., Cho C.J., Yeom W., Lee S.Q.*, & Choi J.H.* (2020). A Bird’s Eye View of Brain Activity in Socially Interacting Mice through Mobile Edge Computing, Science Advances, 6(49), https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.03.931758
Hwang E.⁺, Han H.-B.⁺, Kim J.Y.⁺, & Choi J.H.* (2020). High-density EEG of Auditory Steady-State Response during Stimulation of Basal Forebrain Parvalbumin Neurons. Scientific Data, 7(1), 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00621-z
→ Dataset URL: https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al
Han H.-B.* (2020). Rotational snapping: Illusory rhythmicity induced by global and local motion binding, bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.03.931758
Han H.-B.⁺, Lee K.E.⁺, & Choi J.H.* (2019). Functionally dissociated theta oscillations in the frontal and visual cortices and their long-range network during sustained attention, eNeuro, 6(6), 4 November 2019, ENEURO.0248-19.2019; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0248-19.2019
Kum J., Kim J.W., Braubach O., Ha J.-G., Cho H., Kim C.-H., Han H.-B., Choi J.H.*, & Yoon J.-H.* (2019). Neural Dynamics of Olfactory Perception: Low- and High-frequency Modulations of Local Field Potential Spectra in Mice Revealed by an Oddball Stimuli. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Hwang E., Brown R. E., Kocsis B., Kim T., McKenna J. T., McNally J. M., Han H.-B., & Choi J. H. (2019). Optogenetic stimulation of basal forebrain parvalbumin neurons modulates the cortical topography of auditory steady-state responses. Brain Structure and Function, 1-14.
Han H.-B., Hwang E., Lee S., Kim M.-S., & Choi J.H.* (2017). Gamma-Band Activities in Mouse Frontal and Visual Cortex Induced by Coherent Dot Motion, Scientific Reports, 7, 43780.
Han H.-B.* (2016). Distinctive BOLD Connectivity Patterns in the Schizophrenia Brain: Machine-learning based comparison between various connectivity measures, bioRxiv, 084160.
Kum, J.E., Han, H.-B., & Choi, J.H.* (2016). Pupil Size in Relation to Cortical States during Isoflurane Anesthesia. Experimental Neurobiology, 25(2), 86-92.
◾ Mouse Escape Behaviors and mPFC-BLA Activity Dataset: Understanding Flexible Defensive Strategies Under Threat, SCIENTIFIC DATA, vol.11 No.1, 2024한효빈