 교수소개 전임교수
윤재영 (JAE-YOUNG YUN) 부교수
Synthetic Biology (CRISPR Genome Editing)
어의관 621호
2010 PhD. in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison,WI. (위스콘신주립대 생화학 이학박사)
2002 M.S. in Developmental Genetics, Seoul National University (서울대학교 발생유전학 이학석사)
2000 B.S. @Department of Bioscience, Seoul National University (서울대학교 생명과학부 이학사)
주요 경력
2023~현재: 서울과학기술대학교 융합교양학부 부교수
Associate Professor, School of Convergence, Seoul National University of Science and Technology

2021~2023 Principal Investigator, Dept. of Life Science, Sogang University (서강대학교 생명과학과 책임연구교수)
2020~2021 Senior Researcher, Institutes of GBST, Seoul National University (서울대학교 GBST 책임연구원)
2014~2020 Research Fellow, Center for Genome Engineering, Institute for Basic Science (IBS 유전체교정 연구위원)
2014~2014 Visiting Scholar, Center for Algae Biotechnology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA (UCSD 방문교수)
2013~2014 Research Scholar, Molecular and Computational Biology, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2012~2013 Research Associate, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA
2011~2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
연구 분야

- Studies of genetic/epigenetic contributions to natural variations
- Development of the CRISPR systems for in-vivo genome editing
- Development of artificial gene-drive systems employing CRISPR technology

Yun lab’s research focuses on synthetic biology using the latest cutting-edge biotechnology, CRISPR, as a major genome editing tool. This includes the redesign of biological systems by modifying existing genomes or by implanting new genes into various biological model systems (e.g., Arabidopsis, zebrafish, and mice). Our broad interests in biological traits that can be modified through synthetic biology include aging, regeneration, embryogenesis, and reproduction.

For this synthetic biology research, we are interested in genetic and epigenetic factors that cause natural variations, and further research interests include understanding of natural gene drives that exhibit super-Mendelian inheritance and constructing artificial gene-drive systems employing CRISPR. To effectively carry out this research, we are conducting research to optimize and improve existing CRISPR tools such as CRISPR base editors and CRISPR prime editors for each system, and we also plan to conduct research to discover new CRISPR components.
담당 교과목
- Biotechnology and Society (바이오테크놀로지와 사회)

- Genome and Understanding of Life (게놈과 생명의 이해)
주요논문 및 저서

Google Scholar for a complete, updated list

◾ Lee J, Oh N, Yu SI, Yun JY*, Choi HS, Seo JK, Kang JH, and Jung C. Application of CRISPR-Based C-to-G Base editing in rice protoplasts. Applied Biological Chemistry (2023).(*Co-first author) https://doi.org/10.1186/s13765-023-00775-5

◾ Yun JY*, Yu SI, Bang SE, Kim JY, Lee S, and BH Lee. Identification of CRISPR-Induced Mutations in Plants: with a Focus on the Next-Generation Sequencing Assay. Journal of Plant Biology (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12374-022-09368-z

◾ Park ME, Yun JY*, and Kim HU. C-to-G Base Editing Enhances Oleic Acid Production by Generating Novel Alleles of FATTY ACID DESATURASE 2 in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science (2021). (*Co-corresponding author) https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.748529

◾ Choi M, Yun JY*, Kim JH, Kim JS and Kim ST. The efficacy of CRISPR-mediated cytosine base editing with the RPS5a promoter in Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports (2021). (*Co-first author) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87669-y

◾ Hu J, Cai J, Park SJ, Lee K, Li Y, Chen Y, Yun JY, Xu T, and Kang H. N6-Methyladenosine mRNA methylation is important for salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal (2021). https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15270

◾ Zhang J, Eswaran G, Alonso-Serra J, Kucukoglu M, Xiang J, Yang W, Elo A, Nieminen K, Damen T, Joung JG, Yun JY, Lee JH, Ragni L, Reuille PB, Ahnert S, Lee JY, Mahonen AP, and Helariutta Y. Transcriptional regulatory framework for vascular cambium development in Arabidopsis roots. Nature Plants (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0522-9

◾ Yun JY*, Kim ST, Kim SG, and Kim JS. A zero-background CRISPR binary vector system for construction of sgRNA libraries in plant functional genomics applications. Plant Biotechnology Reports (2019). (*First & corresponding author) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11816-019-00567-8

◾ Kang BC, Yun JY*, Kim ST, Shin Y, Ryu J, Choi M, Woo JW, and Kim JS. Precision genome engineering through adenine base editing in plants. Nature Plants (2018). (*Co-first author) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0178-x

◾ Shin SE, Lim JM, Koh HG, Kim EK, Kang NK, Jeon S, Kwon S, Shin WS, Lee B, Hwangbo K, Kim J, Ye SH, Yun JY, Seo H, Oh HM, Kim KJ, Kim JS, Jeong WJ, Chang YK and Jeong BR. CRISPR-Cas9-induced knockout and knock-in mutations in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Scientific Reports (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep27810

◾ Lee J, Yun JY, Zhao W, Shen WH, and Amasino RM. A methyltransferase required for proper timing of the vernalization response in Arabidopsis. PNAS (2015). 112 (7):2269-2274

◾ Yun JY, Tamada Y, Kang YE, and Amasino RM. ARABIDOPSIS TRITHORAX-RELATED3/SET DOMAIN GROUP2 is required for repression of Arabidopsis thaliana flowering. Plant and Cell Physiology (2012). 53(5):834-846

◾ Jean Finnegan E, Bond DM, Buzas DM, Goodrich J, Helliwell CA, Tamada Y, Yun JY, Amasino RM, and Dennis ES. Polycomb proteins regulate the quantitative induction of VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 in response to low temperatures. Plant Journal (2011). 65(3):382-391

◾ Tamada Y, Yun JY, Woo SC, and Amasion RM. ARABIDOPSIS TRITHORAX-RELATED7 is required for methylation of lysine 4 of histone H3 and for transcriptional activation of FLOWERING LOCUS C. Plant Cell (2009). 21(10):3257-3269

◾ Choi J, Hyun Y, Kang MJ, In Yun H, Yun JY, Lister C, Dean C, Amasino RM, Noh B, Noh YS, and Choi Y. Resetting and regulation of FLOWERING LOCUS C expression during Arabidopsis reproductive development. Plant Journal (2009). 57(5):918-931

◾ Yun JY, Weigel D, and Lee I. Ectopic expression of SUPERMAN suppresses development of petals and stamens. Plant and Cell Physiology (2002). 43(1):52-57
2021 Oral presentation at KSBS 2021
2020 Oral presentation at KMB 2020
2020 Oral presentation at KSABC 2020
2019 Oral presentation at CSH-Asia 2019 (Plant Cell and Development Biology)
2019 Oral presentation at ICAR 2019, Wuhan, China (“Omics & New Technology”)
2019 Oral presentation as an excellent lecture awardee at KSPB conference
2018 Oral presentation as a Young Investigator Research awardee at KSMCB 2018
2018 Oral presentation at IPMB 2018, Montpellier, France
2018 Oral presentation at KSABC 2018 (“Agro-Bio Genome Editing”)
2018 Oral presentation at KSPBT 2018 (“From farming to pharming”)
2016 Poster presentation at ASPB 2016, Austin, TX
2015 Oral presentation at GREEN REVOLUTION 2.0 FF21 SYMPOSIUM, UCSD

*학회 수상내역
2018 KSMCB 젊은 연구자상
2019 KSPB (winter conference) 우수 강연상
2019 KSPB 우수 강연상

*2023 이후 학술대회
◾ 방승은, 이병하, 윤재영, X-MAS: 교배를 통한 대립유전자 치환, 멘델 유전법칙을 거스르는, 크리스퍼 유도 상동 유전자 수선, 2024 한국응용생명화학회 국제학술대회, 제주 국제 컨벤션 센터, 2024윤재영 (JAE-YOUNG YUN)
◾ Seung-eun Bang, Byeong-ha Lee, and Jae-Young Yun, X-MAS (Cross-Mediated Allele Switching), Non-Mendelian Inheritance through CRISPR-induced HDR between F1 Hybrid Alleles, 2023 한국분자세포생물학회 초록집, ICC JEJU, 2023윤재영 (JAE-YOUNG YUN)
- Korea Patent pending no. 10-2021-0134852: “고올레인산 함유 종자를 생성하는 식물체 및 이의 제조 방법”

- US Patent pending no. 62/660,296/Korea Patent pending no. 10-2019-0046807: “Genome Editing through Base Editing in Plants (식물의 염기 교정용 유전자 구조체, 이를 포함하는 벡터 및 이를 이용한 염기 교정 방법)”
2021-2024 [NRF 연구재단 중견] CRISPR/Base Editor (BE)-dependent Library Screen for Plant Functional Genomics and Precision Breeding Technology (2021R1A2C1011674)

2020-2023 [RDA 농진청 CRISPR 신육종] Development of new technology for gene editing of crops (PJ016542032022)
기타(학회활동 등)
"Name one organism in the world that is not genome-editable!

"If I had to choose between DNA and RNA, I'd choose RNA because it has U in it"

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