 교수소개 전임교수
알렉산드로바 조교수
Iordanka Alexandrova
어의관 522호
2015 : 고려대학교 정치외교학 박사
2009 : 고려대학교 정치외교학 석사
2005 : 소피아대학교 한국학 학사
주요 경력
2023.08 ~ 서울과학기술대학교 인문사회교양학부 조교수
2019.04 ~ 2023.07 고려대학교 평화와민주주의연구소 선임연구원/연구교수
2017.03 ~ 2019.04 고려대학교 국제교육원 연구교수
담당 교과목
21세기 동북아시아 국제관계
국제정치의 이해
글로벌시대 한국의 국제관계
세계화와 국제정치
전쟁과 평화
현대중국의 이해
저널 논문
Dong Sun Lee and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2024. Military Power for a Unified Korea: Strategic Directions and Principles for Building Effective Defense Forces. International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 33(2): 47-84.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2023. North Korea-Russia Military Cooperation after the End of the Cold War. Journal of North Korea Studies 9(2): 145-169.

Seongwon Gwon and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2022. The End of Intervention: Explaining the Decisions on US Troops Withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. The Journal of International Relations 25(4): 27-57.

요르단카 알렉산드로바, 백선우. 2022. 소련과 러시아 핵전략의 변화. 국제정치논총 62(3): 43-82.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2022. The Role of Russia in the Korean Peninsula Peace Regime. The Korean Journal of International Studies 20(1): 149-174.

Dong Sun Lee and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2021. North Korean Nuclear Strategy: Envisioning Assured Retaliation. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 21(3): 371-400.

Sung Eun Choi and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2020. The Stable Peace between France and Germany: The Role of the United States. Journal of International Politics 25(2): 253-289.

Dong Sun Lee, Iordanka Alexandrova, and Yihei Zhao. 2020. The Chinese Failure to Disarm North Korea: Geographical Proximity, U.S. Unipolarity, and Alliance Restraint. Contemporary Security Policy 41(4) 587-609.

Sang Soo Lim and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2019. Intra-Regional Balance of Power and Economic Integration: The Origins of the European Community. Journal of International and Area Studies 26(2): 17-33.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2019. The Thailand-US Alliance after the Asian Financial Crisis: The Security Implications of International Economic Policy. The Southeast Asian Review 29(4): 143-184.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2019. The European Union’s Policy Toward North Korea: Abandoning Engagement. International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 28(1): 33-62.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2019. Asymmetric Terrorist Alliances: Strategic Choices of Militant Groups in Southeast Asia. Suvannabhumi 11(1): 101-132.

Iordanka Alexandrova. 2015. A Wavering Commitment: Coalitional Politics and the South Korea-US Alliance after the Asian Financial Crisis. Journal of Asiatic Studies 58(1): 218-261.
요르단카 알렉산드로바, 여영윤, The Impact of Coup-Proofing on North Korean Nuclear Strategy, 한국국제정치학회 연례학술회의, 2024년 12월 6-7일.

Iordanka Alexandrova, Spoiler Problems in Denuclearization Agreements: The Success and Failure of the Agreed Framework, International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, April 3-6, 2024.

요르단카 알렉산드로바, 탈냉전 이후 북한-러시아 군사 협력의 변화와 전망, 한국정치학회 연례학술회의, 2023년 12월 1-2일.

Dong Sun Lee, Iordanka Alexandrova, Nuclear Alliance Restraint: Success and Failure to Stop Allied Proliferators, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Los Angeles, August 31 – September 3, 2023.
Dong Sun Lee and Iordanka Alexandrova. 2025. Nuclear Alliance Restraint: Success and Failure in Countering Allied Proliferators. London: Routledge.

정성윤, 박주화, 김민성, 백승준, 요르단카 알렉산드로바, 이동선, 이수훈, 하경석. 2022. 북핵 도전요인과 국제협력. KINU 연구총서 22-16. 서울: 통일연구원.

정성윤, 박주화, 이동선, 요르단카 알렉산드로바, 백승준. 2022. 2022 북핵 도전요인 전문가 인식조사. KINU Insight 2022-02. 서울: 통일연구원.
스포일러 문제와 비핵화 합의, 산학협력단, 2023.10 ~ 2024.09.

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