 교수소개 전임교수
박명훈 부교수
Park Myeonghun
전산물리, 입자물리
어의관 617호
2011: 미국 플로리다 대학 (University of Florida) 박사
2002: 서울대학교 물리학과 석사
2000: 한국과학기술원 (KAIST), 물리/수학
주요 경력
2025 - 현재: 한국물리학회 국제교류위윈회 실무이사
2020 - 현재: 한국물리학회 JKPS (국제 SCI 저널) 편집위원
2017 - 현재: 기초과학연구원 순수물리이론연구단 초빙연구위원
2013 - 현재: 유럽핵물리 연구소 (CERN) Visiting Scientist
2020 - 2023. 3: 한국물리학회 홍보잡지 (물리학과 첨단기술) 편집위원
2020 - 2023. 2 : 고등과학원 물리학부 겸직교수
2015- 2016: 기초과학연구원 순수물리이론연구단 연구위원
2014-2015: 아시아태평양 이론물리센터 주니어 연구 그룹 리더
2013-2014: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo 연구원
2011-2013: 유럽핵물리 연구소 (CERN) 이론물리 연구원
2010-2011: 국제 강입자가속기 (LHC) 미국 실험그룹(CMS) 멤버
2002-2005: 해군 학사장교 (OCS)
* 2004 해군정비창 연구원
* 2003 해군 1함대 참수리 기관장교 (기관장)
* 2002 해군 2함대 대천함 (PCC-777) 기관장교 (보수관)
연구 분야
입자물리학, 암흑물질, 양자컴퓨터 알고리즘 및 활용
담당 교과목
1. 인공지능의 수학과 과학 (Mathematics and Science behind Artificial Intelligence)
2. 양자컴퓨팅 프로그래밍 입문 (Introduction to quantum computing programming)
3. 파이썬을 이용한 데이터 과학 (Data Science using Python)
4. 양자머신러닝 (Quantum Machine Learning)
5. 일반물리 (General Physics 1, 2)
주요논문 및 저서
저널 논문
◾ Exploring the synergy of kinematics and dynamics for collider physics, Physical Review D, 2024박명훈
◾ Exploring exotic decays of the Higgs boson to multi-photons at the LHC via multimodal learning approaches, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024박명훈
◾ Quantum discord in the early universe with non-trivial sound speed, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 2024박명훈
◾ Kinematic variables and feature engineering for particle phenomenology, REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 2023박명훈
◾ Primordial cosmic complexity and effects of reheating, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.108 No.8, 2023박명훈
◾ Exploration of parameter spaces assisted by machine learning, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol.293, 2023박명훈
◾ Riemannian data preprocessing in machine learning to focus on QCD color structure, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2023박명훈
◾ Deep-learned event variables for collider phenomenology, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.107 No.3, 2023박명훈
◾ Search for New Physics Using High Energy Collider Data, New Physics: Sae Mulli, vol.72 No.4 pp.281~290, 2022박명훈
◾ Demystifying freeze-in dark matter at the LHC, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.101 No.11, 2020박명훈
◾ Tagging a jet from a dark sector with jet substructures at colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.100 No.11, 2019박명훈
◾ Exotic decays of top partners: Mind the search gap, PHYSICS LETTERS B, vol.798, 2019박명훈
◾ Portraying double Higgs at the Large Hadron Collider, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.9, 2019박명훈
◾ Probing unitarity violation in the tail of the off-shell Higgs boson in VLVL mode, Physical Review D, vol.100 No.011702(R), 2019박명훈
◾ Probing the Triple Higgs Self-Interaction at the Large Hadron Collider, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.122 No.9, 2019박명훈
◾ Identifying a New Gauge Structure of Dark Matter at the LHC, AAPPS Bulletin, vol.28 No.6 pp.39~46, 2018박명훈
◾ Adding pseudo-observables to the four-lepton experimentalist's toolbox, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.10, 2018박명훈
◾ Examining the origin of dark matter mass at colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.98 No.5, 2018박명훈
◾ Dark matter direct detection from new interactions in models with spin-two mediators, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.6, 2018박명훈
◾ Spectral Decomposition of Missing Transverse Energy at Hadron Colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.119 No.26 , 2017박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum Information 
with the LHC, Amplitude Methods for Gravity and Cosmology 3, ONLINE (ZOOM), 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum entanglement in High Energy Physics, 3rd Joint Seorak Workshop on Collider Physics, 켄싱턴호텔 설악, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum-classical approach 
for Combinatorial problems@LHC, The 12th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology and 2024 Korea-France STAR workshop, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Machine Learning for Collider Physics, APCTP Workshop on Precision Calculation and Collider Phenomenology, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), 2024박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Entanglement and the Higgs Boson at the LHC, 2024년 가을 학술논문발표회 및 임시총회, 여수 EXPO 컨벤션 센터, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Exploring the Synergy of Kinematics and Dynamics for Collider Physics, The Fifteenth Particle Physics Phenomenology Worksho, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Ahmed Hammad, Chih-Ting Lu, Pyungwon Ko, Exploring Exotic Decays of the Higgs Boson to Multi-Photons at the LHC via Multimodal Learning Approaches, The 4th Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, 2024박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to BSM Searches Using Quantum Algorithms, KCMS Workshop@RAON, 중이온가속기연구소, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Pyungwon Ko, Beyond the Dark matter effective field theory and a simplified model approach at colliders, Roadmap of Dark Matter models for Run 3, ONLINE (ZOOM), 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Pyungwon Ko, The importance of a gauge symmetry in the search for dark matter at high energy colliders, 2024년 봄 학술논문 발표회 및 제 100회 정기총회, Daejeon Convention Center, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Calculating scattering amplitudes with ML and QC, Amplitude Methods for Gravity and Cosmology I, Kyunghee University, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Probing dark Z decays at the HL-LHC using Transformer Encoder, 2024 CAU-PNU Beyond the Standard Model Workshop, Chung-Ang University, 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Exploring the Synergy of Kinematics and Dynamics for Collider Physics, High1 Workshop on Particle, String and Cosmology, High1 Resort , 2024박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Hunting ALP-like particle through Higgs boson exotic decays at the LHC, PNU-IBS workshop on Axion Physics : Search for axions Program, Paradise Hotel Busan, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Machine Learning in Generating Monte Carlo Events for High Energy Colliders, High Energy Physics and Machine learning workshop @ Hanyang, 한양대학교 ITBT관 911호, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Computing Initiative for High Energy Physics, KSHEP 2023 Fall Meeting, 동신대학교 중앙도서관 동강홀, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Combinatorial optimization using QC for collider physics, AI and Quantum Information for Particle Physics, 한국과학기술원 양승택 오디토리움, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, LHC에서의 양자컴퓨팅 활용, KREONET2023 HEP Community Meeting, 메종글래드 제주, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Tackling Combinatorial optimization of the LHC with Quantum Computer, CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 기초과학연구원 본원, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum Metric Learning to identify a boosted Higgs, SSU2023 Program and Files, 전북대학교 국제컨벤션 센터, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Machine Learning for collider physics, PPC 2023: XVI International Conference on Interactions between Particle Physics and Cosmology, IBS Science and Culture Center, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Measuring the QCD color structure of the Higgs particle, HPNP2023 - The 6th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2023", NambuYoichiroHall(OsakaUniversity), 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum Machine Learning for jet image, 한국물리학회 초록집 2023년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 99회 정기총회, IBS SCC S304, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Combinatorial optimization with Quantum machine, AI and Quantum Information Applications in Fundamental Physics, Konjiam Resort, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Computing for High Energy Collider, IBS-PNU Joint Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 부산 파라다이스 호텔 Sicily Room, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Leveraging Quantum Annealer to identify event topologies at High energy colliders, The 2nd Asian-Eurpoean-Institutes (AEI) Workshop for BSM and the 10th KIASWorkshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 제주 그랜드 섬오름 호텔, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Riemannian Data preprocessing in Machine Learning to focus on QCD color structure, Workshop on Physics of Dark Cosmos: Dark matter, Dark Energy, and All, 부산 라발스 호텔, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 고에너지 입자물리학에서 양자정보기술의 활용, 2022 Quantum Risk 대을을 위한 Quantum Security 양자보안연구회 워크숍, 서울 엘타워 8층 엘하우스, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Exploration of parameter spaces of New Physics by Machine Learning, 2022 KOREA SUPERCOMPUTING CONFERNCE, HPC makes the future, The K-hotel, 거문고C, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 양자알고리즘을 활용한 고에너지 가속기 실험 데이터 분석, Korea Supercomputing Conference 2021, 온라인 (줌), 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learned Event variable for collider physics, Cosmology Frontier in Particle Physics: Astroparticle Physics and Early Universe, 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learned Event Variable for the Collider Phenomenology, 2021 Apres-LHC Physics Workshop @ Korea, 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Neutrino mass and muon g-2 with dark U(1) symmetry, Muon Anomalies Workshop (MAW), 비대면 실시간 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Machine Learning for HEP, 2020 한국 슈퍼컴퓨팅 컨퍼런스, KSC 2020 Webinar (온라인 비대면 학술회의), 2020박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Higgs precision with Deep Learning, IBS-PNU Joint Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model, Atlantis Room, B1 (Paradise Hotel Busan), 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Higgs Precision with Deep Learning, The 1st Asian-European-Institutes (AEI) Workshop for BSM and the 9th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shilla Stay Jeju, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 딥러닝을 활용한 힉스 Precision 연구, 2019년 가을 학술논문 발표회 및 임시총회, 김대중 컨벤션 센터 Room 305, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Data Science for the LHC physics, The 3rd APCTP Alumni Scientific Symposium, Hanwha Resort Haeundae Tivoli, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learning for the LHC physics, 4th IBS-MultiDark-IPPP Workshop, IBS-CTPU ( B438 ), 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Precision Higgs with Machine Learning, Behind and Beyond the Standard Model, Quy Nhon, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learning for a Higgs Hunter, 2019 Dark Matter Research Cluster fall Workshop (45th), 더케이호텔, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Triple Higgs, KAIST-KAIX Workshop for Future Particle Accelerators, Academic Cultural Complex Building, KAIST, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Precision Higgs at the LHC, Yonsei university Cosmology and High Energy physics workshop, Yonsei University, Science building B102, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Color at the LHC, Dark Matter as a Portal to New Physics, APCTP (Pohang, Korea), 2019박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, 고에너지 가속기에서 암흑물질 탐색, IBS Workshop on Prospects of Particle Physics and Cosmology, 기초과학연구원, 2018박명훈
◾ Park MH (Park Myeonghun), LHC 가속기에서 힉스의 셀프-상호작용 측정, 제 8회 고등과학원 입자물리학 및 우주론 학회, 고등과학원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Kim Jeong Han, Kong Kyoungchul, Matchev Konstantin, LHC 가속기에서 힉스의 셀프-커플링 측정, 2018 한국물리학회 가을학술대회, 창원 컨벤션 센터 604, 2018박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park (박명훈), LHC 가속기에서 암흑게이지 그룹의 가속기 현상론, 1st IUEP Mini-Workshop: Physics Opportuinties at Future Colliders, 전남대학교 물리학부, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 고에너지 입자가속기에서 암흑 게이지 그룹의 확인, 암흑물질 탐색연구 융합클러스터, 더케이호텔, 거문고홀, 2018박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park (박명훈), LHC 가속기에서 암흑게이지 그룹의 가속기 현상론, 제 22회 입자물리학 및 코스몰로지 국제학회, 대전 기초과학연구원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, LHC 가속기에서 제트세부구조를 이용하여 히든-QCD에서 오는 제트의 탐색, 제 5회 한국 차세대 가속기 스터디 그룹미팅: 현재 위치와 향후 전망, 고등과학원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, LHC 가속기에서 "양자색입자" 암흑물질 탐색, LHC 가속기에서 "양자색입자" 암흑물질 탐색, 부산대학교 물리학과, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, What to expect from colliders, after SM Higgs?, Saga-Yonsei XIV, 연세대학교, 2017박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Understanding dark matter with collider experiment, 제 2회 KEK-NCTS-KIAS 입자물리 현상론 워크샾, 고등과학원, 2017박명훈
◾ 2020년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2020.01.~2020.12.박명훈
◾ 2019년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2019.01.~2019.12.박명훈
◾ WIMP가 아닌 암흑물질에 대한 현상론적 고찰 및 탐색실험 설계에 대한 기본 연구, 한국연구재단, 2018.03.~2021.02.박명훈
◾ 2018년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2018.01.~2018.12.박명훈
◾ 가속기 실험을 이용한 암흑물질 성질 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.12.~2018.11.박명훈
◾ 힉스의 성질 규명을 통한 새물리 탬색, 산학협력단, 2017.10.~2018.09.박명훈
◾ 가속기를 이용한 암흑물질 탐색 및 성질 연구, 한국연구재단, 2017.09.~2018.08.박명훈
◾ 우수연구원상, 기초과학연구원, 2017박명훈

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