2004년 8월 서울대학교 수학과 이학사
2010년 5월 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 수학과 이학박사
주요 경력
2010년 6월 - 2010년 8월 고등과학원 수학부 연구원
2010년 9월 - 2022년 6월 서울과학기술대학교 기초교육학부 조교수/부교수/교수
2022년 7월 - 현재 서울과학기술대학교 자연과학부 교수
연구 분야
Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory
More specifically, Integer partitions, q-series, and modular forms.
주요논문 및 저서
1. The overpartition function modulo 128, Integers 8 (2008), A #38, 8 pp.
2. The odd moments of ranks and cranks (with G.E. Andrews and S. H. Chan), J. Comb. Thy Series A 120 (2013), 77–91. (Highly Cited Research in JCTA, Dec. 2016)
3. Mock modular grids and Hecke relations for mock modular forms (with S. Ahlgren), Forum. Math. 26 (2014), 1261–1287.
4. Mock Theta Functions and Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms Modulo 2 and 3 (with S. Ahlgren), Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 158 (2015), 111–129.
5. Group Actions on Partitions, Electronic J. Comb. 24 (2017), #P3.58.
6. An overpartition analogue of q-binomial coefficients, II: combinatorial proofs and (q,t)-log concavity (with J. Dousse), J. Comb. Thy Series A 158 (2018), 228–253.
7. Pairs of eta-quotients with dual weights and their applications (with Dohoon Choi and Subong Lim), Adv. Math. 355 (2019). 106779, 51pp.
8. Parity bias in Partitions (with Eunmi Kim and Jeremy Lovejoy), European J. Comb. 89 (2020), 103159, 19 pp.
9. A reinforcement learning based algorithm to find a triangular Graham partition, Hardy-Ramanujan J. 43 (2021), 91--98. (Commemorative volume in honor of Srinivasa Ramanujan, Part I)
10. Distributions of reciprocal sums of parts in integer partitions (with Eunmi Kim), J. Comb. Thy Series A 211 (2025), 105982, 25 pp.