 교수소개 전임교수
조인용 교수
Cho, Inyong
어의관 416호
1999 Tufts University 물리학과 (이학박사)
1993 서울대학교 천문학과 (이학사)
주요 경력
현재 서울과학기술대학교 자연과학부 (교수)
2019 한국 고등과학원 (방문교수)
2015 파리 7 대학교 (방문교수)
2009- 서울과학기술대학교 기초교육학부
2006-09 성균관대학교, 물리학과 (연구교수)
2003-06 서울대학교, 물리학과 (연구원)
2002-03 파리 11 대학교, 이론물리연구소 (연구원)
2001-02 국립 멕시코 대학교, 핵과학연구소 (연구원)
1999-01 Emory 대학교, 물리학과 (연구원)
연구 분야
물리학 > 천체물리 > 우주론/상대론

초기우주 모델 개발, 인플레이션, 블랙홀 등.
담당 교과목
별과 우주
저널 논문
◾ Homogeneous spacetime with shear viscosity, JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, No.7, 2024조인용
◾ Perfect fluid with shear viscosity and spacetime evolution, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol.87 pp.452~464, 2024조인용
◾ Second-order energy-momentum tensor of a scalar field, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.106 No.8, 2022조인용
◾ Numerical study of instability of fluid black holes, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.79 No.10 pp.980~990, 2021조인용
◾ Second-order effective energy-momentum tensor of gravitational scalar perturbations with perfect fluid, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.102 No.4, 2020조인용
◾ Simple black holes with anisotropic fluid, CHINESE PHYSICS C, vol.43 No.2 pp.025101-1~025101-7, 2019조인용
◾ Fluid black holes with electric field, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, vol.79 No.1, 2019조인용
◾ Static-fluid black holes, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.95 No.8 , 2017조인용
◾ Spectral indices in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld inflation, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.92 No.6 pp.064046-1~064046-7, 2015조인용
◾ Unimodular theory of gravity and inflation, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, vol.32 No.13 pp.135020-1~135020-11, 2015조인용
◾ Primordial power spectra of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld inflation in strong gravity limit, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.92 No.2 pp.024038-1~024038-9, 2015조인용
◾ Scalar perturbation produced at the pre-inflationary stage in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, vol.75 No.75 pp.240-1~240-10, 2015조인용
◾ Tensor-to-scalar ratio in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld inflation, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, vol.74 No.11 pp.458381~458593, 2014조인용
◾ Inflationary tensor perturbation in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.90 No.2 pp.024063-1~024063-12, 2014조인용
◾ New synthesis of matter and gravity: A nongravitating scalar field, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.88 No.6 pp.064038-1~064038-5, 2013조인용
◾ Precursor of Inflation, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.111 No.7 pp.071301-1~071301-5, 2013조인용
◾ Perturbations in symmetric Lee-Wick bouncing universe, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, vol.73 No.2341 pp.1~8, 2013조인용
◾ A Fully General Relativistic Numerical Simulation Code for Spherically Symmetric Matter, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol.62 No.3 pp.393~405, 2013조인용
◾ Universe driven by a perfect fluid in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.86 No.8 , 2012조인용
◾ Scalar perturbation in symmetric Lee-Wick bouncing universe, JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, vol.1111 No.43 pp.0~17, 2011조인용
◾ Four dimensional string solutions in Horava-Lifshitz gravity, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, vol.1007 No.34 pp.034-0~034-15, 2010조인용
◾ Generalized Lee-Wick formulation from higher derivative field theories, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.82 No.2 pp.025013-1~025013-11, 2010조인용
◾ 조인용, Spherical Bodies, KPS Fall Meeting, 여수 Expo Convention Center, 2024조인용
◾ 조인용, Rajibul Shaikh , Shear Viscosity and Spacetime, Workshop on Cosmology and Quantum Space Time (CQUeST 2024), Citadines Hotel, Busan, 2024조인용
◾ 조인용, Rajibul Shaikh, Progress Report on Shear Viscosity and Spacetime, 충주 미니워크샵, 한국교통대학교, 종합강의관, 222호, 2024조인용
◾ 조인용, 공진욱, 오승훈, Back reaction of cosmological perturbations during inflation, Workshop on Cosmology and Quantum Space Time (CQUeST 2023), Best Western Plus Hotel, Jeonju, 2023조인용
◾ 조인용, 공진욱, 오승훈, Quadratic effective energy-momentum tensor of cosmological perturbations during inflation, YITP International Molecule-type Workshop, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 2023조인용
◾ 조인용, Rajibul Shaikh, Spacetime with off-diagonal shear viscosity, High1 Workshop on Particle, String and Cosmology, High1 Resort, 2023조인용
◾ 조인용, Rajibul Shaikh, Spacetime with off-diagonal stress, 대진대학교 이론물리 워크샵, 대진대학교 공대가동, 2023조인용
◾ 조인용, RajibulShaikh, Cosmology of fluid with off-diagonal stress, KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, 부산 벡스코, 2022조인용
◾ 조인용, Rajibul Shaikh, Stress kills the big-bang singularity, The 4th TangeumdaeWorkshop, 충주 탄금대 Wedge 52, 2022조인용
◾ 조인용, 오승훈, 공진욱, Second-order effective energy-momentum tensor of gravitational scalar perturbations in FRW universe, Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 2020, 대전 기초과학연구원, 2020조인용
◾ 조인용, 오승훈, 공진욱, Cosmological Perturbations and 2nd order effective Energy-Momentum Tensor, APCTP Workshop: Quantum Geometry and Duality, 광주과학기술원, 2019조인용
◾ 조인용, Discussion on some problems in 2nd order cosmological perturbations, 제3회 탄금대 미니 워크샵, 한국교통대학교, 2019조인용
◾ 조인용, Black Holes in S3 and H3, International Conference on Gravitation: Joint Conference of ICGAC-XIII and IK15, 이화여자대학교, 2017조인용
◾ 조인용, Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity and Inflation, 2016년 제1차 이론물리 생태계 활성화 국내 학술 대회, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 로즈홀, 2016조인용
◾ CHO Inyong, KIM Hyeong-Chan, Static-Fluid Black Holes, 한국 물리학회 초록집 (2016 가을 학술논문대회 및 임시총회), 광주 김대중 컨벤션센터, 2016조인용
◾ 조인용, Black Holes by Perfect Fluid, International Workshop for String Theory and Cosmology 2016, 한양대학교 Science Hall, 2016조인용
◾ 조인용, Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Inflation, Modern Aspects of Gravity and Cosmology, Universite Paris 11, France, 2015조인용
◾ 조인용, Constraining Theory Parameter of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity from Inflation, 한국 물리학회 봄 학술 논문발표회 초록집, 대전 컨벤션센터, 2015조인용
◾ 조인용, Primordial Density Perturbations in EiBI Inflation, Joint Winter Conference on Particle Physics, String and Cosmology, 강원도 하이원 리조트, 2015조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤,Naveen Kumar Singh, Inflationary Perturbations in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity, Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 14, Aix Marseille University, France, 2014조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, Naveen Kumar Singh, EiBI Inflation and Cosmological Perturbations, International Workshop for String Theory and Cosmology (STCOS 2014), 부산 해운대 Sea Cloud Hotel, 2014조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, Tensor Perturbation in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Inflation, 2014 Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2014조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, Review on EiBI Inflation: Discussion on Tensor Perturbation, The CMB and theories of the primordial universe, 일본 교토대학교 유가와연구소, 2013조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, EiBI Inflation, International Workshop for String Theory and Cosmology 2013 (STCOS 2013), 서울과학기술대학교, 2013조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, Cosmology and Star In Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity, YongPyong Winter Conference on Particle Physics 2013, 용평, 2013조인용
◾ 조인용,김형찬,문태윤, Evolution of Universe In Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity, 2012 International workshop on String theory and cosmology, 부산 해운대, 2012조인용
◾ 조인용,권오갑, Scalar and Tensor Perturbations in Lee-Wick Bouncing Universe, The 42nd Workshop on Gravitation and Numerical Relativity, APCTP 서울분소, 2012조인용
◾ 조인용,권오갑, Perturbations in Lee-Wick Bouncing Universe, 2012 Asia Pacific School/Workshop on Cosmology and Gravitation, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2012조인용
◾ ., Perturbation in Lee-Wick Bouncing Universe, COSMO 11 Abstracts Book (초록집), ., 2011조인용
◾ 권오갑, Generalized Lee-Wick Formalism and Perturbations in N=2 Lee-Wick Bouncing Universe, 논문집미발행, 부산 해운대 그랜드 호텔, 2011조인용
◾ 강궁원, Strings in Horava-Lifshitz gravity with soft breaking, 논문집미발행, APCTP-Seoul-Branch, 2010조인용
◾ 강궁원, Cotton-free strings in Horava-Lifshitz gravity, 논문집미발행, 해운대 그랜드 호텔, 2010조인용
◾ 중력장을 이용한 우주론적 문제 해결, 한국연구재단, 2017.03.~2020.02.조인용
◾ 교양교육과정 개편방향설정 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2014.09.조인용
◾ 통합사고력고사를 위한 문제개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.04.~2013.05.조인용
◾ 스칼라 우주론, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2015.04.조인용
◾ 고차미분 우주론과 우주초끈 우주론, 한국연구재단, 2010.05.~2012.04.조인용
기타(학회활동 등)
2024- 한국고에너지물리학회 이사
2022-24 한국고에너지물리학회 감사
2014-21 한국물리학회 천체물리분과 운영위원
2016-17 한국물리학회 천체물리분과 학술프로그램위원장
2012-13 한국물리학회 천체물리분과 학술프로그램위원
2009-11 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 편집위원

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