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Hyungsub Choi
History of Science and Technology
Journal Papers
◾ 김치냉장고의 탄생: 발효 음식, 새로운 주거 환경, 냉장 기술, 식품과학과 산업, vol.56 No.3 pp.198~206, 2023최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Life and Death of Machines and Imaginaries: Conversations on Trains on EASTS Covers, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 2022최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Before localization: the story of the electric rice cooker in South Korea, History and Technology, 2022최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Familiar Narratives and New Questions: Recent Trends in the Modern and Contemporary History of Science in Korea, 역사학보, No.255 pp.477~494, 2022최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ From Hwangsa to COVID-19: The Rise of Mass Masking in South Korea, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, vol.16 No.1 pp.97~107, 2022최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ COVID-19 and the reenactment of mass masking in South Korea, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, vol.43 No.2, 2021최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Shifting Notion of Kuksanhwa and the Technological Exchange between South Korea and Japan, 일본비평, vol.13 No.1 pp.190~211, 2021최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 기술사와 기술비평 사이에서: 한국 기술사 연구의 흐름과 전망, The Korean Journal for the History of Science, vol.42 No.3 pp.715~729, 2020최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 공업 없는 공학— 1950-60년대 서울대학교 공과대학의 지향과 현실, 사회와역사(구 한국사회사학회논문집), No.119 pp.41~73, 2018
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Displaying "Growth and Development" Exhibit Hall 3, National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, Technology and Culture, vol.59 No.2 pp.454~463, 2018
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Imported machines in the garden: the kyongun'gi (power tiller) and agricultural mechanization in South Korea, History and Technology, vol.33 No.4 pp.345~366, 2017
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Social Construction of Imported Technologies Reflections on the Social History of Technology in Modern Korea, Technology and Culture, vol.58 No.4 pp.905~920, 2017
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Choi Hyung Sup and the Origins of the ‘Korean Development Model’, 역사비평, No.118 pp.169~193, 2017
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ History of Computing in East Asia, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol.38 No.2 pp.8~10, 2016
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ A Place for Materials Science: Laboratory Buildings and Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Pennsylvania, Minerva, vol.53 No.1 pp.21~42, 2015
[원문보기] 최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Emerging opportunities: nanoelectronics and engineering research in a South Korean university, HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.30 No.4 pp.334~353, 2014최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Technical Standard in Transition: The Distribution Voltage Conversion Project in South Korea, 1967-2005, 한국과학사학회지, vol.36 No.2 pp.183~203, 2014최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Emergence of Materials Science and Engineering and American Social Change:Interdisciplinary Research during the Long 1960s, 서양사연구, No.49 pp.155~174, 2013최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ From Materials Science to Nanotechnology: Interdisciplinary Center Programs at Cornell University, 1960-2000, HISTORICAL STUDIES IN THE PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.43 No.2 pp.121~161, 2013최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Silicon Valley secrets, or US microelectronics firms faced with technical uncertainty, REVUE D HISTOIRE MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE, vol.59 No.3 pp.48~69, 2012최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Failure to Launch: Tarui Yasuo, the Quadrupole Transistor, and the Meanings of the IC in Postwar Japan, IEEE ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING, vol.34 No.1 pp.48~59, 2012최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Long History of Molecular Electronics: Microelectronics Origins of Nanotechnology, SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE, vol.39 No.1 pp.11~50, 2009최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The boundaries of industrial research: Making transistors at RCA, 1948-1960, Technology and Culture, vol.48 No.4 pp.758~782, 2007최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
Conference Papers
◾ 최형섭, 발효식품과 도시화: 김치냉장고의 탄생과 한국형 기술 시대의 도래, 역사 속 과학기술과 공간, 대한민국역사박물관, 2023최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Hyungsub Choi, Kimch’i and the City: Fermented Foods and Refrigeration Technologies in South Korea, Cooling Asia: Technology, Environment and Society in Hot Climates, Singapore, 2022최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Hyungsub Choi, Imagining Autarky in South Korea: The Technological Conditions of a Postcolonial State, Society for the History of Technology, Zoom (online), 2021최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Circulation of Knowledge in the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions, N/A, St. Louis, MO, 2011최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Semiconductor Industry in the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions, N/A, 2011최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 지은이: 최형섭, 그것의 존재를 알아차리는 순간 : 일상을 만든 테크놀로지, 저서, 9791190944151, 이음, 2021최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 지은이: 임태훈,이영준,최형섭,오영진,전치형, 한국 테크노컬처 연대기 : 배반당한 과학기술 입국의 해부도, 9791159921261, Alma(알마), 2017최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 로렌 R. 그레이엄 지음, 처형당한 엔지니어의 유령 : 테크놀로지와 기술제국 소련의 몰락, 9791186828076, 역사인, 2017최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 과학기술정책연구원 ?, 미래는 더 나아질 것인가 : 인공지능, 4차 산업혁명 그리고 인간의 미래, 편서, 9788925560670, RHK(알에이치코리아), 2016최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 지은이: 카이 버드, American prometheus, 역서, 9788983711137, 사이언스북스, 2010최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 매일유업 50주년 아카이브 전시, 스페이스 포 컨템포러리 아트(유), 2019.01.~2019.05.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 교내 러닝/아이디어 팩토리 개선을 통한 창의 교육 활성화 방안, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2018.10.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ <글쓰기와 의사소통> 표준 커리큘럼 교재 개발 및 운영 방안 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2018.10.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ The Kyongun'gi and Rural Mechanization in South Korea, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2018.06.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 2015년도 '산업기술 계통사' 연구: 평판 디스플레이 기술, (재)한국공학한림원, 2015.09.~2015.12.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ 2015년도 '산업기술 계통사'연구: 냉장고 기술, (재)한국공학한림원, 2015.09.~2015.12.최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
◾ Imported Machines in the Garden: the Kyongun'gi (power tiller) and Agricultural Mechanization in South Korea, Best Article Prize, Korea History of Science Society, Korea History of Science Society, 2019최형섭 (Hyungsub Choi)
School of Liberal Arts, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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