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Chul Kim
Particle Physics Theory
M.S., Ph.D. - Particle Physics (Aug 2004) : Korea University
Thesis : Soft-collinear effective theory and its applications
B.S. - Physics (Feb 1999) : Korea University
2011 - 2012 : Research Fellow - School of Physics, KIAS
2010 - 2011 : Research Fellow - Theory Division, Physics Department, CERN
2007 - 2009 : Postdoctoral Associate - Department of Physics, Duke University
2004 - 2007 : Postdoctoral Research Associate - Department of Physics & Astronomy,
University of Pittsburgh
Research Areas
Particle Physics Theory
Selected Publications
1. Production of Stoponium at the LHC
Phys. Rev. D 89, 075010 (2014)

2. Proper factorization theorems in high-energy scattering near the endpoint
JHEP 1309, 126 (2013)

3. Factorization Theorem for High-Energy Scattering near the End Point
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, no. 12, 122002 (2013)

4. Structure of divergences in Drell-Yan process with small transverse momentum
Phys. Rev. D 86, 074011 (2012)
Journal Papers
◾ Dijet invariant mass distribution near threshold, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.85 No.1 pp.13~20, 2024김 철
◾ Heavy quark transverse momentum dependent fragmentation, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.5, 2024김 철
◾ Universal lepton universality violation in exclusive processes, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.105 No.3, 2022김 철
◾ Heavy quark jet production near threshold, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.9 pp.148~, 2021김 철
◾ Consistent treatment of rapidity divergence in soft-collinear effective theory, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.3, 2021김 철
◾ Exclusive Heavy Quark Dijet Cross Section, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.77 No.6 pp.469~476, 2020김 철
◾ Endpoint resummation in squark decays, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.101 No.11, 2020김 철
◾ Factorized Groomed Jet Mass Distribution in Inclusive Jet Processes, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, vol.74 No.5 pp.439~458, 2019김 철
◾ Fragmentation to a jet in the large z limit, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.95 No.7 , 2017김 철
◾ Fragmentation of a jet with small radius, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.94 No.11 , 2016김 철
◾ Effective Field Theory approach to heavy quark fragmentation, Journal of High Energy Physics, vol.2016 No.11 , 2016김 철
◾ Analysis of exclusive kT jet algorithms in electron-positron annihilation, Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol.92 No.7 pp.74019~74019, 2015김 철
◾ Factorization of the dijet cross section in electron-positron annihilation with jet algorithms, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.92 No.3 pp.34012~34012, 2015김 철
◾ Quantum Chromodynamics Factorization Theorem in Limit of the Large $x$, New Physics: Sae Mulli, vol.65 No.7 pp.621~632, 2015김 철
◾ Production of stoponium at the LHC, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.89 No.7 , 2014김 철
◾ Proper factorization theorems in high-energy scattering near the endpoint, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, vol.2013 No.9 pp.126~ , 2013김 철
◾ QCD Corrections to High-energy Scattering, 새물리, vol.63 No.7 pp.707~734, 2013김 철
◾ Factorization Theorem for High-Energy Scattering near the End Point, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.110 No.12 , 2013김 철
◾ Structure of divergences in the Drell-Yan process with small transverse momentum, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.86 No.7 pp.74011~ , 2012김 철
Conference Papers
◾ 김철, Jet Mass Distribution in the Small R Limit, 2016 LHC Physics Workshop at Korea, 건국대학교, 2016김 철
◾ 김철, Dijet Scattering Cross Section, 2015 LHC Physics Workshop at Korea, 건국대학교, 2015김 철
◾ 김철, 윤여웅, Thomas Mehen, Stop pair production at the LHC, APCTP 2013 LHC Physics Workshop at Korea, 건국대학교, 2013김 철
◾ 김철, 최준곤, Effective Theory Approach to QCD Factorization Theorem near Threshold, Tenth Particle Physics Phenomenology Workshop (PPP10), Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, 2013김 철
◾ 김철, 최준곤, QCD Factorization Theorem near the Endpoint, SCET2013 : Xth Workshop on Soft-collinear Effective Theory, Duke University, NC, US, 2013김 철
◾ 김철, Factorization of DY process with small transverse momentum, 한국물리학회 가을학술발표회, 평창 보광휘닉스파크, 2012김 철
◾ 김철, Small Transverse Momentum Distribution for DY Process, KIAS-SNU Joint Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 서울대, 2012김 철
◾ 김철, J. Chay, Small transverse momentum distribution for DY process, 2012 LHC Physics Workshop, 건국대학교, 2012김 철
◾ 2020년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2020.01.~2020.12.김 철
◾ 무거운 쿼크 젯 산란단면적에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.김 철
◾ 젯 물리학에 대한 유효이론적 접근, 한국연구재단, 2017.03.~2021.02.김 철
◾ 2017년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2017.01.~2017.12.김 철
◾ 정부재정사업 : 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2016.01.~2016.01.김 철
◾ 큰 x 한계에서의 강한 상호작용에 대한 factorization theorem, 산학협력단, 2015.03.~2015.09.김 철
◾ 유효장 이론을 통한 고에너지 물리 현상에 대한 이해, 한국연구재단, 2014.11.~2017.10.김 철
◾ 통합사고력고사를 위한 문제개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.04.~2013.05.김 철
◾ 2013년도 노원영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2013.01.~2013.12.김 철
◾ LHC에서 무거운 입자의 생성에 대한 정밀한 계산, 한국연구재단, 2012.05.~2015.04.김 철
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