Name |
Park Myeonghun |
02-970-6779 |
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Journal Papers
◾ Exploring exotic decays of the Higgs boson to multi-photons at the LHC via multimodal learning approaches, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024박명훈
◾ Kinematic variables and feature engineering for particle phenomenology, REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 2023박명훈
◾ Primordial cosmic complexity and effects of reheating, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.108 No.8, 2023박명훈
◾ Exploration of parameter spaces assisted by machine learning, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol.293, 2023박명훈
◾ Riemannian data preprocessing in machine learning to focus on QCD color structure, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2023박명훈
◾ Deep-learned event variables for collider phenomenology, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.107 No.3, 2023박명훈
◾ Search for New Physics Using High Energy Collider Data, New Physics: Sae Mulli, vol.72 No.4 pp.281~290, 2022박명훈
◾ Demystifying freeze-in dark matter at the LHC, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.101 No.11, 2020박명훈
◾ Tagging a jet from a dark sector with jet substructures at colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, vol.100 No.11, 2019박명훈
◾ Exotic decays of top partners: Mind the search gap, PHYSICS LETTERS B, vol.798, 2019박명훈
◾ Portraying double Higgs at the Large Hadron Collider, Journal of High Energy Physics, No.9, 2019박명훈
◾ Probing unitarity violation in the tail of the off-shell Higgs boson in VL VL mode, Physical Review D, vol.100 No.011702(R), 2019박명훈
◾ Probing the Triple Higgs Self-Interaction at the Large Hadron Collider, Physical Review Letters, vol.122 No.9, 2019박명훈
◾ Adding pseudo-observables to the four-lepton experimentalist's toolbox, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.10, 2018박명훈
◾ Identifying a New Gauge Structure of Dark Matter at the LHC, AAPPS Bulletin, vol.28 No.6 pp.39~46, 2018박명훈
◾ Examining the origin of dark matter mass at colliders, Physical Review D, vol.98 No.5, 2018박명훈
◾ Dark matter direct detection from new interactions in models with spin-two mediators, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, No.6, 2018박명훈
◾ Spectral Decomposition of Missing Transverse Energy at Hadron Colliders, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol.119 No.26 , 2017박명훈
Conference Papers
◾ Myeonghun Park, Hunting ALP-like particle through Higgs boson exotic decays at the LHC, PNU-IBS workshop on Axion Physics : Search for axions Program, Paradise Hotel Busan, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Machine Learning in Generating Monte Carlo Events for High Energy Colliders, High Energy Physics and Machine learning workshop @ Hanyang, 한양대학교 ITBT관 911호, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Computing Initiative for High Energy Physics, KSHEP 2023 Fall Meeting, 동신대학교 중앙도서관 동강홀, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Combinatorial optimization using QC for collider physics, AI and Quantum Information for Particle Physics, 한국과학기술원 양승택 오디토리움, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, LHC에서의 양자컴퓨팅 활용, KREONET2023 HEP Community Meeting, 메종글래드 제주, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Tackling Combinatorial optimization of the LHC with Quantum Computer, CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 기초과학연구원 본원, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum Metric Learning to identify a boosted Higgs, SSU2023 Program and Files, 전북대학교 국제컨벤션 센터, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Machine Learning for collider physics, PPC 2023: XVI International Conference on Interactions between Particle Physics and Cosmology, IBS Science and Culture Center, 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Measuring the QCD color structure of the Higgs particle, HPNP2023 - The 6th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2023", NambuYoichiroHall(OsakaUniversity), 2023박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Quantum Machine Learning for jet image, 한국물리학회 초록집 2023년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 99회 정기총회, IBS SCC S304, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Combinatorial optimization with Quantum machine, AI and Quantum Information Applications in Fundamental Physics, Konjiam Resort, 2023박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Computing for High Energy Collider, IBS-PNU Joint Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 부산 파라다이스 호텔 Sicily Room, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Leveraging Quantum Annealer to identify event topologies at High energy colliders, The 2nd Asian-Eurpoean-Institutes (AEI) Workshop for BSM and the 10th KIASWorkshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 제주 그랜드 섬오름 호텔, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Riemannian Data preprocessing in Machine Learning to focus on QCD color structure, Workshop on Physics of Dark Cosmos: Dark matter, Dark Energy, and All, 부산 라발스 호텔, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 고에너지 입자물리학에서 양자정보기술의 활용, 2022 Quantum Risk 대을을 위한 Quantum Security 양자보안연구회 워크숍, 서울 엘타워 8층 엘하우스, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Exploration of parameter spaces of New Physics by Machine Learning, 2022 KOREA SUPERCOMPUTING CONFERNCE, HPC makes the future, The K-hotel, 거문고C, 2022박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 양자알고리즘을 활용한 고에너지 가속기 실험 데이터 분석, Korea Supercomputing Conference 2021, 온라인 (줌), 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learned Event variable for collider physics, Cosmology Frontier in Particle Physics: Astroparticle Physics and Early Universe, 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learned Event Variable for the Collider Phenomenology, 2021 Apres-LHC Physics Workshop @ Korea, 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Neutrino mass and muon g-2 with dark U(1) symmetry, Muon Anomalies Workshop (MAW), 비대면 실시간 온라인, 2021박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Quantum Machine Learning for HEP, Korea Supercomputing Conference 2020, KSC 2020 Webinar (온라인 비대면 학술회의), 2020박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Higgs precision with Deep Learning, IBS-PNU Joint Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model, Atlantis Room, B1 (Paradise Hotel Busan), 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Higgs Precision with Deep Learning, The 1st Asian-European-Institutes (AEI) Workshop for BSM and the 9th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shilla Stay Jeju, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, 딥러닝을 활용한 힉스 Precision 연구, 2019년 가을 학술논문 발표회 및 임시총회, 김대중 컨벤션 센터 Room 305, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Data Science for the LHC physics, The 3rd APCTP Alumni Scientific Symposium, Hanwha Resort Haeundae Tivoli, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learning for the LHC physics, 4th IBS-MultiDark-IPPP Workshop, IBS-CTPU ( B438 ), 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Precision Higgs with Machine Learning, Behind and Beyond the Standard Model, Quy Nhon, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Deep Learning for a Higgs Hunter, 2019 Dark Matter Research Cluster fall Workshop (45th), 더케이호텔, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Triple Higgs, KAIST-KAIX Workshop for Future Particle Accelerators, Academic Cultural Complex Building, KAIST, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Precision Higgs at the LHC, Yonsei university Cosmology and High Energy physics workshop, Yonsei University, Science building B102, 2019박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Color at the LHC, Dark Matter as a Portal to New Physics, APCTP (Pohang, Korea), 2019박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Dark Matter at high energy colliders, IBS Workshop on Prospects of Particle Physics and Cosmology, 기초과학연구원, 2018박명훈
◾ Park MH (Park Myeonghun), Measuring the triple Higgs self-coupling at the LHC, The 8th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 고등과학원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Kim Jeong Han, Kong Kyoungchul, Matchev Konstantin, Measuring the Triple Higgs Self-Interaction at the Large Hadron Collider, 2018 Korea Physical Society Fall Meeting, 창원 컨벤션 센터 604, 2018박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park (박명훈), Phenomenology of dark gauge group at the LHC, 1st IUEP Mini-Workshop: Physics Opportuinties at Future Colliders, 전남대학교 물리학부, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Identifying a dark gauge group at a high energy collider, 암흑물질 탐색연구 융합클러스터, 더케이호텔, 거문고홀, 2018박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park (박명훈), Phenomenology of dark gauge group at the LHC, The 22nd annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology, 대전 기초과학연구원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, Tagging jets from Hidden QCD with jet-substructures at the LHC, The 5th Korea Future Collider Study Group Meeting: Current Status and Perspective, 고등과학원, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, "Colored" Dark Matter @ LHC, "Colored" Dark Matter @ LHC, 부산대학교 물리학과, 2018박명훈
◾ 박명훈, What to expect from colliders, after SM Higgs?, Saga-Yonsei XIV, 연세대학교, 2017박명훈
◾ Myeonghun Park, Understanding dark matter with collider experiment, The 2nd KEK-NCTS-KIAS Workshop on Particle Phenomenology, 고등과학원, 2017박명훈
◾ 2020년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2020.01.~2020.12.박명훈
◾ 2019년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2019.01.~2019.12.박명훈
◾ WIMP가 아닌 암흑물질에 대한 현상론적 고찰 및 탐색실험 설계에 대한 기본 연구, 한국연구재단, 2018.03.~2021.02.박명훈
◾ 2018년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2018.01.~2018.12.박명훈
◾ 가속기 실험을 이용한 암흑물질 성질 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.12.~2018.11.박명훈
◾ 힉스의 성질 규명을 통한 새물리 탬색, 산학협력단, 2017.10.~2018.09.박명훈
◾ 가속기를 이용한 암흑물질 탐색 및 성질 연구, 한국연구재단, 2017.09.~2018.08.박명훈
◾ 우수연구원상, 기초과학연구원, 2017박명훈