Name |
Byoung Soo Kim |
Mathematics(Analysis) |
02-970-6265 |
E-mail | |
Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University
Research Areas
Wiener integral and Feynman integral
Selected Publications
1. K.S. Chang, B.S. Kim and I. Yoo, Fourier-Feynman transform, convolution and first variation of functionals on abstract Wiener space, Integral Transform. Spec. Funct. Vol. 10, No. 3-4 (2000), 179-200.
2. G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Extracting linear and bilinear factors in Feynman's operational calculi, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. Vol. 6, No. 2 (2003), 181-200.
3. B.S. Kim and D. Skoug, Integral transforms of functionals in L_2(C_0[0,T]), Rocky Mountain J. Math. Vol. 33, No. 4 (2003), 1379-1393.
4. B. Jefferies, G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Feynman's operational calculi: methods for iterative disentangling, Acta Appl. Math., Vol. 92, No. 3, July (2006), 293-309.
5. K.S. Chang, D.H. Cho, B.S. Kim, T.S. Song and I. Yoo, Sequential Fourier-Feynman transform, convolution and first variation, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 4 (2008), 1819-1838.
6. G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Derivational derivatives and Feynman's operational calculi, Houston J. Math., Vol. 35, No. 2, (2009), 647-664.
7. B.S. Kim, Integral transforms of square integrable functionals on Yeh-Wiener space, Kyungpook Math. J., Vol. 49, No. 1, (2009), 155-166.
8. K.S. Chang, B.S. Kim and Y.H. Park, Measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, Russian J. Math. Phys., Vol. 17, No. 1, (2010), 26-34.
9. I. Yoo, B.J. Kim and B.S. Kim, A change of scale formula for a function space integral on C_{a,b}[0,T], Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 141, No. 8 (2013), 2729-2739.
2. G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Extracting linear and bilinear factors in Feynman's operational calculi, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. Vol. 6, No. 2 (2003), 181-200.
3. B.S. Kim and D. Skoug, Integral transforms of functionals in L_2(C_0[0,T]), Rocky Mountain J. Math. Vol. 33, No. 4 (2003), 1379-1393.
4. B. Jefferies, G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Feynman's operational calculi: methods for iterative disentangling, Acta Appl. Math., Vol. 92, No. 3, July (2006), 293-309.
5. K.S. Chang, D.H. Cho, B.S. Kim, T.S. Song and I. Yoo, Sequential Fourier-Feynman transform, convolution and first variation, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 4 (2008), 1819-1838.
6. G.W. Johnson and B.S. Kim, Derivational derivatives and Feynman's operational calculi, Houston J. Math., Vol. 35, No. 2, (2009), 647-664.
7. B.S. Kim, Integral transforms of square integrable functionals on Yeh-Wiener space, Kyungpook Math. J., Vol. 49, No. 1, (2009), 155-166.
8. K.S. Chang, B.S. Kim and Y.H. Park, Measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, Russian J. Math. Phys., Vol. 17, No. 1, (2010), 26-34.
9. I. Yoo, B.J. Kim and B.S. Kim, A change of scale formula for a function space integral on C_{a,b}[0,T], Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 141, No. 8 (2013), 2729-2739.
Journal Papers
◾ Generalized first variation and generalized sequential Fourier-Feynman transform, Korean J. Math., vol.31 No.4 pp.521~536, 2023김병수
◾ Measure Decomposing Disentangling in Feynman's Operational Calculus, COMPLEX ANALYSIS AND OPERATOR THEORY, vol.17 No.1 pp.1~24, 2023김병수
◾ Generalized sequential Feynman integral and Fourier-Feynman transform, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, vol.51 No.6 pp.2251~2268, 2021김병수
◾ Generalized sequential convolution product for the generalized sequential Fourier-Feynman transform, Korean J. Math., vol.29 No.2 pp.321~332, 2021김병수
◾ Relationships between generalized Wiener integrals and conditional analytic Feynman integrals over continuous paths, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, vol.67 No.3 pp.609~628, 2017김병수
◾ Shifting and modulation for Fourier-Feynman transform of functionals in a generalized Fresnel class, 한국수학논문집, vol.25 No.3 pp.335~347, 2017김병수
◾ Generalized convolution product for an integral transform on a Wiener space, TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, vol.41 No.4 pp.940~955, 2017김병수
◾ Conditional integral transforms and convolutions for a general vector-valued conditioning functions, 한국수학논문집, vol.24 No.3 pp.573~586, 2016김병수
◾ Shifting and Variational Properties for Fourier-Feynman Transform and Convolution, Journal of Function Spaces, vol.2015 No.0 pp.1~9, 2015김병수
◾ Change of scale formulas for function space integrals related with Fourier-Feynman transform and convolution on $C_{a,b}[0,T]$, Korean J. Math., vol.23 No.1 pp.47~64, 2015김병수
◾ Change of Scale Formulas for Wiener Integrals Related to Fourier-Feynman Transform and Convolution, JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES, vol.2014 pp.1~7, 2014김병수
◾ Relationship between the Wiener integral and the analytic Feynman integral of cylinder function, J. Chungcheong Math. Soc., vol.27 No.2 pp.249~260, 2014김병수
◾ Generalized measure permutation formulas in Feynman’s operational calculi, RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, vol.21 No.2 pp.135~147, 2014김병수
◾ Parts formulas involving conditional integral transforms on function space, 한국수학논문집, No.1 pp.57~69, 2014김병수
◾ Measure induced by the partition of the general region, Korean J. Math, vol.21 No.3 pp.237~246, 2013김병수
◾ A CHANGE OF SCALE FORMULA FOR A FUNCTION SPACE INTEGRAL ON C-a,C-b[0, T], Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol.141 No.8 pp.2729~2739, 2013김병수
◾ Generalized conditional integral transforms, conditional convolutions and first variations, 한국수학논문집, vol.20 No.1 pp.1~18, 2012김병수
◾ A change of scale formula for generalized Wiener integrals, 충청수학회지, vol.24 No.3 pp.517~528, 2011김병수
◾ INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS OF FUNCTIONALS ON A FUNCTION SPACE OF TWO VARIABLES, J. Chungcheong Math. Soc., vol.23 No.2 pp.349~362, 2010김병수
◾ Fourier-Feynman transforms of unbounded functionals on abstract Wiener space, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, vol.8 pp.616~632, 2010김병수
◾ Measure Permutation Formulas in Feynman's Operational Calculi, RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, vol.17 pp.26~34, 2010김병수
Conference Papers
1. B.S. Kim, Change of scale formulas for Wiener integrals related with Fourier-Feynman transform and convolution, 2013 Annual Meeting of KMS, Univ. of Seoul, Seoul October 25, 2013.
2. B.S. Kim, Generalized measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 16-19, 2013.
2. B.S. Kim, Generalized measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 16-19, 2013.
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Disentangling in Feynman’s operational calculus, 2022년 강원경기수학회 학술대회 논문 초록, 한경대학교, 2022김병수
◾ Il Yoo, Byoung Soo Kim, Generalized sequential Fourier-Feynman transform and convolution product, 2021년도 강원경기수학회 학술대회 논문 초록, 온라인, 2021김병수
◾ 김병수, 송특섭, 무선센서 환경에서 비동기를 지원하는 블록디자인 기반 스케줄링 기법, 2021년도 한국멀티미디어학회 춘계학술발표대회 논문집 제24권 1호, 대구 인터불고 호텔, 2021김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim and Il Yoo, Integral transform and generalized convolution product for functionals on Wiener space, 강원경기수학회-충청수학회 공동 학술 대회 및 정기총회, 단국대학교 천안캠퍼스, 2017김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators: measure permutation formula, 4th Korea-Belarus Science Forum 2015, Seoul, 2015김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Some properties of Fourier-Feynman transform on Wiener space, 10th International ISAAC Congress, Macau, 2015김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Introduction to Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators, Korea-Russia Seminar on Science and Technology, 하바로브스크, 2015김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Shifting for Fourier-Feynman transform and convolution, NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Feynman Integral with Harmonic Analysis and Related Topics, NIMS, Daejeon, 2015김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, A survey of results on change of scale formula for Wiener integrals, The 5th Workshop on Feynman Integrals, Feynman's Operational Calculus and Related Topics, Seoul Nati, Seoul National Univ. Sci. Tech., 2015김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Change of scale formulas for Wiener integrals, Introductory Workshop on Path Integrals and Pseudo-Differential Operators, RIMS, Kyoto University, 2014김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Generalized measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi and its application, 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vienna, 2014김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Change of scale formula for a cylinder function, The 4th Workshop on Feynman Integrals, Feynman's Operational Calculus and Related Topics, Seoul National Univ. Sci. Tech., 2014김병수
◾ B.S. Kim, Generalized measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2013김병수
◾ B.S. Kim, B.J. Kim, I. Yoo, Change of scale formulas for Wiener integrals related with Fourier-Feynman transform and convolution, 2013 Annual Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society, 서울시립대학교, 2013김병수
◾ 김병수, A change of scale formula for a function space integral, The 3rd workshop on Feynman integral, Feynman's operational calculus and related topics, 경기대학교, 2013김병수
◾ Byoung Soo Kim, Bong Jin Kim, Il Yoo, A change of scale formula foe a function space integral on C_{a,b}[0,T], Abstracts of AMS, SanDiego, 2013김병수
◾ 0, Disentangling in Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators, 6st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Education Mathematics, greece, 2012김병수
◾ 김병수, A change of scale formula for Wiener integral of Fourier-type functionals, The 2nd Workshop on Feynman Integrals, Feynman’s Operational Calculus and Related Topics, Seoul National Univ. Sci. Tech., 2012김병수
◾ Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators; Definitions and elementary properties, International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra, 2011김병수
◾ Introduction to Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators I 과의 내용 차이 불분명, Introduction to Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators II, Introductory Workshop on Feynman Path Integral and Microlocal Analysis, Kyoto University, 2011김병수
◾ Introduction to Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators I, Introductory Workshop on Feynman Path Integral and Microlocal Analysis, 2011김병수
◾ Feynman's operational calculi for noncommuting operators, 2011 The Korean Mathematical Society Spring Meeting, 2011김병수
◾ Measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi and its applications, Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Feynman integrals, Feynman's operational, 2011김병수
◾ Measure permutation formulas in Feynman's operational calculi, Path Integrals 2010, 2010김병수
◾ 김병수, 양영균 공저, 미분방정식 입문, 저서, 978-89-5526-986-4, 북스힐, 2015김병수
◾ 김병수, 미분방정식 입문, 저서, 978-89-5526-861-4, 북스힐, 2012김병수
◾ 양영균, 미적분학 입문, 저서, 978-89-6105-447-8, 경문사, 2011김병수
◾ 2021년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2021.01.~2021.12.김병수
◾ 2020년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2020.01.~2020.12.김병수
◾ 일반화된 수열 푸리에-파인만 변환에 대한 일반화된 합성곱, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.김병수
◾ 2019년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2019.01.~2019.12.김병수
◾ Shifting and modulation for the convolution product of functionals in a generalized Fresnel class, 산학협력단, 2018.02.~2019.01.김병수
◾ 2018년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2018.01.~2018.12.김병수
◾ 2017년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2017.01.~2017.12.31.김병수
◾ 정부재정사업 : 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2016.01.~2016.01.김병수
◾ 일반화된 위너공간에서 푸리에-파인만 변환과 관련된 척도변환공식, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2015.08.김병수
◾ 2014년도 노원과학영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2014.01.~2014.12.김병수
◾ Relationship between the Wiener integral and the analytic Feynman integral of cylinder function, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.08.김병수
◾ 통합사고력고사를 위한 문제개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.04.~2013.05.김병수
◾ 2013년도 노원영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2013.01.~2013.12.김병수
◾ 예-위너공간에서 푸리에-예-파인만 변환, 합성곱과 일차변분을 포함하는 관계식, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.12.김병수
◾ 기초교양교육 활성화, 기획처, 2012.05.~2013.02.김병수
◾ 2011년도 노원영재교육원 운영, 노원구청, 2011.01.~2011.12.김병수
◾ 비가환 연산자에 대한 파인만 연산자 함수론:성질과 응용, 한국연구재단, 2010.09.~2015.08.김병수
◾ 서울산업대학교 노원영재교육원 설치 운영, 노원구청, 2010.05.~2010.12.김병수